June 2023 ÖAL meeting
After a presentation at the main meeting in 2022 and several times teaching at ÖAL seminars, Dr. Christian Kirisits participated as speaker at the 280th plenary meeting. This years topic was "Sound propagation depending on meteorology in measurements and calculations.
June 2023 ÖAL meeting
After a presentation at the main meeting in 2022 and several times teaching at ÖAL seminars, Dr. Christian Kirisits participated as speaker at the 280th plenary meeting. This years topic was "Sound propagation depending on meteorology in measurements and calculations.
December 2022 Acoustic of railway bridges
The funded research project AcouBridge allowed us together with the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) a deep analysis of sound source characteristics for railroad bridges.
November 2022 Effect of land-use category
Together with Dr. Christoph Lechner we could publish an original article in the “International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health”. The study analyzed the influence of the land-use category on the exposure–response relationships for traffice noise.
April 2022 Meteorology and Sound propagation
The April issue of the international journal Acta Acustica contains the scientific article "S-shaped dependence of the sound pressure level in outdoor propagation on the effective sound speed gradient". Based on the results of the Austrian research project ACUMET the correlation between meteorological parameters and sound pressure level next to roads and railroads could be demonstrated. It shows the substantial dependence of measured sound levels on the wind situation and temperature gradients in the atmosphere.
February 2022 RVE 04.01.02
With publication RVE 04.01.02 on “Calculation of Railway Noise Emissions” the regulations of Annex II of the European Environment Noise Directive could be translated for the Austrian situation. It allows the calculation of sound power level for train vehicles on the Austrian railway network.
Now a full set of regulations is available including road traffic, railroad traffic as well as sound propagation in the atmosphere. We could contribute with analyses of the Austrian situation and input parameters.
February 2022 Project PAAB
The public funded research project PAAB could present new insight to determine rating levels for the often increased and annoying noise level for trains passing through a curve.
August 2021 DAGA 2021
We could contribute to several presentations and conference papers at DAGA 2021.
Topics included the Austrian version of Annex II Regulations of the European Noise directive as well as the application of a dose-response model für road noise and ischemic heart disease in an Austrian population.
June 2021
Our study compared noise mapping results for road noise using adapted calculations for Annex II of the European Noise Directive.
February 2022 RVE 04.01.02
The ELSEC project about determination of sound power levels and input parameters for CNOSSOS-EU could be successfully finalized. This research project funded from the FFG program "Verkehrsinfrastrukturforschung 2015" presents methods for experimental determination and verification of input values for sound power calculation according to European Directive 2015/996.
April 2020 ELSEC
The ELSEC project about determination of sound power levels and input parameters for CNOSSOS-EU could be successfully finalized. This research project funded from the FFG program "Verkehrsinfrastrukturforschung 2015" presents methods for experimental determination and verification of input values for sound power calculation according to European Directive 2015/996.
August 2018 Beitrag zur Internoise 2018
Im August 2018 fand die Internoise 2018 in Chicago statt. Wieder war Christian Kirisits Vertreter im International Advisory Board. Beachtung fand der Konferenzbeitrag „Kirisits C, Dinhobl D, Lechner C. The implementation of EC directive 2015/996 for the Austrian railway network“ welcher die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Umsetzung der Richtlinie 2015/996 auf Basis der Norm ONR 305011 darstellt. Diese Ergebnisse bilden auch die Grundlage einer zukünftigen RVE zur Bestimmung von Schienenlärmemissionen.
Oktober 2016 ÖAL Fachtagung
Im Oktober 2016 fand eine vom ÖAL organisierte Fachtagung zum Thema Verkehrslärm statt. Die Tagung brachte Experten aus Österreich und der Schweiz zusammen um über aktuelle Problemstellungen zu referieren und diskutieren.
August 2016 Beitrag zur Internoise 2016
Im August 2016 fand die Internoise 2016 in Hamburg statt. Auch heuer war unser Büro mit Beiträgen vertreten: Christoph Lechner and Christian Kirisits, The Translation of the Austrian National Road Emission Data to the Revision of Annex II of the European Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC und Christian Kasess, Holger Waubke, Reinhard Wehr, Marco Conter, Christian Kirisits, Harald Ziegelwanger and Martin Kriegisch, Effects of source type, position, and train structure on BEM calculations.
Februar 2016 Implementierung RL (EU) 2015/996
Im Jahr 2016 sind die Arbeiten zur Implementierung der Richtlinie (EU) 2015/996 in Österreich weiter intensiviert worden (auch bekannt unter CNOSSOS-EU). So laufen die Arbeitsgruppen der FSV (Schienenlärm, Straßenlärm) sowie dem ÖAL (Ausbreitungsrechnung) in enger Abstimmung zueinander. Zusätzlich gibt es regen Austausch auf europäischer Ebene. Dazu fand das letzte Expertentreffen im Februar 2016 in Brüssel statt (C. Kirisits als Vertreter Österreichs).
August 2015 Contribution to Internoise 2015
In August 2015 Internoise 2015 will be held in San Francisco, California, USA. C. Kirisits is again member of the International Advisory Committee and chairman of a session about 'Uncertainty in Prediction & Assessment'. Our office is represented with a paper on "Variations and uncertainties calculating noise indices using the new annex II methods of the European noise directive". It focus on the impact of input parameters for the new European calculation models for road- and railroad traffic noise (CNOSSOS-EU).
June 2015 Article on the assessment of railroad noise
In March 2015 the Research group on Railroad Traffic of the TU Wien co-organized the 13. Wiener Eisenbahnkolloquium with the main theme on noise and vibration from railroad traffic (Organizer: Prof. Ostermann). Our presentation on the basis and models to assess railroad noise is now published in the journal Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau, ETR, Issue 6/15 as full paper.
March 2014 DAGA Oldenburg
At the yearly meeting for Acoustics DAGA 2014 in Oldenburg from 10 to 13 March 2014 our office contributed a paper on: "Schwächen des 1dB-Irrelevanz-Kriteriums bei der Beurteilung der Lärmimmissionen neuer Strassen (Österreich) und Verbesserungsvorschläge" In this paper the assessment of road noise traffic in Austria especially for environmental impact analysis was critically analysed.
September 2013 INTERNOISE Innsbruck
We are presenting two papers at this years Internoise 2013 in Innsbruck about inverse optimization of noise barrier plannings and multiple reflections between trains and noise barriers. Dr. Christian Kirisits is chairman of the program committee of this important conference for noise control.
August 2013 OPTIWAND finalized
The research project OPTIWAND, sponsored via VIF 2011 by the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, the Austrian motorway operator ASFINAG and the federal railway company OEBB, was finalized. Together with the research consortium member Pi-Medical and Wölfel Meßsysteme GmbH we could show the feasibility of an inverse planning tool for noise barriers. It provides optimized barrier shapes together with detailed analysis of economical factors.
April 2013 Noise measurements at tramway in Graz
On behalf of the Holding Graz ground borne noise measurements have been performed for various tramway types (Variobahn, Serie 500, Serie 600, CityRunner). The measurement of ground borne noise resulting from vibrations due to tramways needs special experience and dedicated low noise measurement equipment. The cooperation resulted in valuable experiences and results.
March 2013 Presentation at AIA-DAGA 2013
Auf der Gemeinschaftstagung AIA-DAGA 2013 in Meran fand die Sitzung "Uncertainties in the evaluation of environmental noise" statt (organisiert von Massimo Garai und Christian Kirisits). Dabei wurde die Thematik der Unsicherheiten von akustischen Messungen und Berechnungen in mehreren Expertenvorträgen dargestellt und diskutiert. Das ZT Büro Kirisits präsentierte die Möglichkeit die Schallausbreitungsbedingungen bei Schallpegelmessungen im Freien durch zusätzliche meteorologischen Parameter zu klassifizieren und damit die systematischen Unsicherheiten signifikant zu vermeiden. Dazu wurden verschiedene internationale Methoden gemeinsam mit Dieter Hohenwarter vom TGM Wien durch experimentelle Daten verifiziert.
March 2013 Noise mapping for Burgenland
According to the EC-directive 2002/49/EG our company caculated the noise maps for the province of Burgenland. Since March 2013 interactive maps are available via a web-based application on www.laerminfo.at
November 2012 Programm INTERNOISE 2013 in Innsbruck
As chairman of the program committee of INTERNOISE 2013 in Innsbruck Christian Kirisits provided a first overview of the planned sessions at the Austrian Noise Abatement Association (Österreichischer Arbeitsring für Lärmbekämpfung) (ÖAL) plenary session.
August 2012 Internoise New York
Christian Kirisits hält bei der Internoise 2012 in New York den Vortrag "Comparison of different concepts to determine sound propagation for measurements". Schallpegelmessungen in größeren Entfernungen von der Quelle hängen stark von den meteorologischen Bedingungen ab und zwar nicht nur vom Wind, wie fälschlicherweise verbreitet angenommen wird. Die Ergebnisse sind daher für die Beurteilung von Situationen nicht repräsentativ und auch nicht zur Verifikation von Berechnungen für Verhältnisse im Jahresmittel geeignet und daher meist wertlos. Verschiedene international angewandte Methoden zur Berücksichtigung dieser Einflüsse werden verglichen und daraus Schlüsse gezogen.
Chrisitian Kirisits ist der Chairman des Programm Committees der Internoise 2013 in Innsbruck und bereitet diese in New York mit dem Internationalen Advisory Committee vor.
April 2012 International Noise Awareness Day
2012 we participated actively in this international activity. One full afternoon our experts answered questions about noise and noise control.
January 2012 Research and Development
In 2011 Kirisits consulting engineers extended their special position in research and development. In a research project, funded by FFG and WIBAG, a new method for optimization of noise control elements was finished successfully. With a project funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology new insights for the future transition to a harmonized European noise propagation model (CNOSSOS-EU) in Austria have been acquired.
A very innovative research project on behalf of the Austrian Federal Railways is investigating reflections on noise barriers. The plan for 2012 is to further substantially increase our R&D activities at highest scientific level, in order to support our European customers with high-tech solutions in acoustics, noise control and medical physics.
September 2011 Scientific paper at Internoise 2011 in Osaka
The first results of our Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and WIBAG funded research project on "Inverse optimization of noise barriers" were presented at the Internoise 2011 meeting in Osaka, Japan. The developed methodology offers a high potential for designing more effective noise barrier constructions.
August 2011 Aircraft noise discussions
Aircraft noise is a hot topic in Austria. Ongoing efforts for common noise assessment methods in Europe refer to the ECAC-CEAC Doc. 29 3rd Edition, Dec 2005. We are currently performing an internal analysis to assess the differences to the current approach in Austria.